I finally joined the PTA last week. My oldest son, Ryan, is in the first grade Gifted and Talented program and I want to be as involved in his education as possible. I love going to meetings and school events and showing my support. There's only one problem; I feel so damn out of place!
First of all, I'm probably one of the youngest members there. I always feel like the other parents look down on me because of my age and assume that I have less parenting experience. They look at me as if I should be hanging out in a bar instead of a PTA meeting. The funny thing is, I had my first child when I was eighteen. I walked across the stage pregnant. I was immature and had very little "worldly knowledge"; like how to budget, pay bills, etc. Not to mention we were practically broke. But somehow, despite all this, he survived and is not only one of the smartest in his class but also a really great kid. Most of the other parents waited to have children until they were out of college, married, and had completely stable lives. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this of course but I managed to raise an exceptional child even during times when I wasn't sure where our next meal would come from while "the more experienced parents" were worried about where to shop and what color to paint the kitchen.
Another reason I feel out of place is because I dress so differently. See the images below for explanation.

You see what I mean? Now, I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with "real mom" attire, it's just not me.
So combine the way I look and dress with my tattoos and the fact that I smell like cigarettes and it makes for some crazy looks at school functions. Sure, it bothers me at times but then I remember why I'm there in the first place; to support my son. So screw 'em!
Okay, I love, love, love your blog and this post. The comment you left had me in tears! What a great voice you have. I see I have to add another blog to my blog roll!
Hi, I have yet to do the PTA thing, or whatever its called over here. So good luck with it and thanks for visiting my blog too. Aus is a lovely place, hope you get to visit one day.
As long as you feel comfortable and confident about yourself, who cares what you wear, right?
I work at a company that has a pretty strict dress code, and I hate it! I hate wearing ties - I feel like I'm being strangled 8+ hours out of the day ... sigh.
Oh my goodness. You hit the nail on the head with the mom dress thing.
I went to help with school pictures today wearing a t-shirt, shorts, and the most comfortable Rocket Dogs I could put on. I figured I was going to be around a bunch of kids, not the President.
And I figure, as long as my kids are happy, healthy, and loved, who cares what the other moms think? ;)
buck the system!!! Be the best PTA mom ever and set a new standard.
Next year, they'll all be trying to emulate YOU.
Don't hate them for looking at you weird. You're a novelty, is all. It'll pass once you get to know each other.
Oh I know where you are coming from. I used to be the young mom, now I am the old mom (my youngest child is 20 years younger than my oldest). One of my friends told me that the PTA is quite a clique and hard to be accepted into. I just have never tried as much because I have always worked alot of hours. I do pay dues and volunteer for stuff but the few times I went to meetings, I just felt odd.
But I always feel that one should be their selves and not conform just to fit in. Also think of it this way, you feel that they are judging you by the way you dress but at the same time you are doing the same to them. I think that helps to know that maybe they do dress a different way, are older, maybe they just feel you wouldn't be interested in them. Be friendly and strike up conversation, and I think your'll be okay.
Hey there! I just have to tell you that I too am a young mom and I don't dress that way, while I don't smell like cigs (well sometimes!LOL) I get the same looks and the same stereotypes. Like you said it doesn't matter. Its just another way for people to judge. Once people get to talk to you, they will see the true person you are. Plus, the cool part is, more and more parents are having kids young, so there are going to be a lot of us "hip" mamas out there! Not that I am condoning getting prego in high school like you and I did! LOL, just saying a lot more people are getting married young and having kids right away. whew, that was a long comment, I'm done!LOL!
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