My Big Mistake
Saturday, September 13, 2008
When someone asks me if I regret anything from my past, I usually answer no. But that's a lie. I regret one thing. One huge mistake that changed my entire life. I suffer the consequences of this terrible decision every single day.
I wish that I had NEVER started smoking!
I took my first puff when I was about twelve. My grandma, who will be known from this point on as Mema, has smoked Salem 100's since the late 60's. She never smokes the whole cigarette but rather takes a few puffs and leaves the rest in an ashtray. Irresistible to a preteen who is dying to look "sophisticated" and "cool". What started as a seemingly innocent way for me to show off in front of my friends quickly turned into something I needed just to get through the day.
Now I smoke a pack a day. At $6 a pack that adds up to be $42 a week and about $186 a month. That's alot of money and what do I get out of it? CANCER!
I've decided to quit smoking and have been trying desperately to do so the past couple weeks. It's just so hard! I can't stop thinking about cigarettes. I have absolutely no willpower! I read somewhere that nicotine is just as addictive as heroine and cocaine. How am I supposed to beat that when I can't even stick to a low-carb diet?
I'm going to keep trying and eventually I WILL STOP SMOKING!
I hope...
I need a cigarette.
I wish that I had NEVER started smoking!
I took my first puff when I was about twelve. My grandma, who will be known from this point on as Mema, has smoked Salem 100's since the late 60's. She never smokes the whole cigarette but rather takes a few puffs and leaves the rest in an ashtray. Irresistible to a preteen who is dying to look "sophisticated" and "cool". What started as a seemingly innocent way for me to show off in front of my friends quickly turned into something I needed just to get through the day.
Now I smoke a pack a day. At $6 a pack that adds up to be $42 a week and about $186 a month. That's alot of money and what do I get out of it? CANCER!
I've decided to quit smoking and have been trying desperately to do so the past couple weeks. It's just so hard! I can't stop thinking about cigarettes. I have absolutely no willpower! I read somewhere that nicotine is just as addictive as heroine and cocaine. How am I supposed to beat that when I can't even stick to a low-carb diet?
I'm going to keep trying and eventually I WILL STOP SMOKING!
I hope...
I need a cigarette.

I heard the average smoker attempts to quit SEVEN times before successfully stopping. You're doing the right thing. Have you thought of starting other hobbies to keep your hands busy.
I have no will power either. I can only imagine where I'd be if I had chosen to smoke. It's worth the battle girlfriend, you can do it!!
ps your layout is super cute!
Oh girlfriend, keep trying. YOu'll get there. Even if you go from smoking 20 cigarettes a day to 15, that's 5 less than before. I have NO advice in this area because I've never smoked, but I will be keeping you in my thoughts & prayers!!!
Good luck with quiting. I'm one of those lucky people you'll want to hate. I just never got addicted to smoking, which is weird cause sometimes I could smoke up to 3 packs a day in college. But I could also give them up at any time. So I had no problems giving them up once I popped out a child.
Now eating, that is a whole other story. That is my big addiction :(
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